Detail |
State |
Harvested items had better be shown above the player to reduce the movement of a visual line of users. | implemented in Alpha1.1.0 |
The toolbelt should show digits. | implemented in Alpha1.1.0 |
Antidote should exist. | implemented in Alpha1.1.0 |
I want a storage to put items in. | implemented in Alpha1.1.0 |
Appearance of nurce zombie? | implemented in Alpha1.2.0 |
I want swing and poison sound. | implemented in Alpha1.3.0 |
I want icons on craft list. | implemented in Alpha1.3.0 |
Headshot or critical hits | headshot was implemented in Alpha1.3.0 |
I want to wade effect. | implemented in Alpha1.4.0 |
Give me an yakitori bento. | implemented in Alpha1.4.0 |
An item zombies are close to me should exist. | implemented in Alpha1.4.0 |
I want you to be able to fill the ground with soil. | implemented in Alpha1.5.0 |
I want you to increase the skill that you can improve by crafting according to the amount of crafting. | implemented in Alpha1.5.0 |
I want you to be able to subdivide items. | implemented in Alpha1.5.0 |
I want food to have a buffing effect. | implemented in Alpha2.1.0 |
Giant clam should drop shellfish meat. | implemented in Alpha2.1.0 |
I want you to narrow the range of collision detection of poison swamp. | implemented in Alpha2.1.0 |
I want quests. | Alpha2.2.0 or later |
Zombies should search routes to player. | Alpha2.2.0 or later |
How about controller compatible? | Alpha2.2.0 or later |
I want to play on Mac. | under positive consideration |
I want to play on iOS. | under consideration |
I want to play on Android. | under consideration |
I want to skins of billiyard tables. | under consideration |
Key actions want be shown without placing the mouse cursor over. | on hold |
Please character voice. | on hold |
The sound may shift. | on hold |